Gum Bichromate | 1992–1997
Insect wings
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Gum bichromate diptych - Butterfly 1995 Gum bichromate diptych - Ichneumon 1995 Gum bichromate diptych - Beetle 1995 Gum bichromate diptych - Bee Flie 1995 Gum bichromate insect - Spider 1992 Gum bichromate insect - Crane fly 1993 Gum bichromate insect - Fly 1993 Gum bichromate insect - Spider 1993 Gum bichromate insect - Woodlouse 1993 Gum bichromate insect - Moth 1993 Gum bichromate insect - Hornet 1993 Gum bichromate insect - Spider 1993 Gum bichromate diptych - Centipede 1996 Gum bichromate diptych - Stink Bug 1996 Gum bichromate diptych - Beetle 1996 Gum bichromate diptych - Millipede 1997 Gum bichromate insect - Spider 1993 Gum bichromate Insect - House Centipede 1993 Gum bichromate insect - Mayfly 1994 Gum bichromate insect - Tiny insects 1994 Gum bichromate insect - Wasps 1994 Gum bichromate insect - Spider wasps 1994 Gum bichromate insect - Unknown Insect 1994 Gum bichromate insect - Ant 1994 Gum bichromate diptych - Beetle 1997 Gum bichromate diptych - Beetle 1997 Gum bichromate diptych - Ant 1997 Gum bichromate diptych - Spider 1997 Gum bichromate insect - Ammophila 1994 Gum bichromate insect - Bee Flie 1994 Gum bichromate insect - Spider 1994 Gum bichromate insect - Moth 1996 Gum bichromate insect - Wasp 1996 Gum bichromate insect - Crane fly 1996 Gum bichromate insect - Ichneumon 1997 Gum bichromate insect - Ichneumon 1997

Insects (1992–1997)

or an embalmer’s elegies

These last metamorphoses of insects into pictograms or ideograms become metaphors or allegories. This ultimate condition was given to them by the use of gum bichromate, a photographic process where light passing through a negative fixes pigments on paper with the help of bichromates and Arabic gum.

The print size is: 56 × 76 centimetres (22 × 32 inches) and
101.6 × 64.8 centimetres (25 3/4 × 40 inches) for the diptychs.
Only one print was made of each insect.

Technical Information

Two Colour Gum Bichromate Prints

One hundred percent cotton Arches Watercolour paper was coated with an emulsion made by mixing watercolour pigments, Arabic gum and ammonium or potassium dichromate.

The paper was then exposed under indirect sunlight, then developed in clear water. The same paper was coated and developed a second time with the second colour.


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